Client list - Guerrini Design Island | The International Brand Design Studio

Client list


  • ADP
  • AIC
  • AMG
  • Abbott Laboratories
  • Adbridge
  • Afya
  • Agencia
  • Agexp
  • Agronegocios del Plata
  • Alconada Zambosco Studio
  • Alianza
  • Alina Vasquez Accountant
  • All Box
  • All of the Kids
  • Alma nativa
  • Alma sabia
  • Alma san
  • Alonso de Celada
  • Alrún
  • América
  • Andante Records
  • Argentine Nation
  • Argentine National Emblem
  • Argentine Pavilion Frankfurt Book Fair 2010
  • Argentine Researcher Award
  • Argentine Society of Infectious Illnesses
  • Argentinean Industrial Sectors
  • Argentinean Ministries
  • Argesa
  • Astiana
  • Audiovisual Mercosur
  • Avelpa
  • Aquarep


  • Barrero & Larroudé
  • Being
  • Bell Corner
  • Bicentenary Schools Program
  • Bioceres
  • Bioceres semillas
  • Bioheuris
  • Biointa
  • Book on Sustainability
  • Bravo
  • Buenos Aires Organic Market
  • Bushi


  • Cabaña Trumil
  • Caja Negra
  • Caldra House.
  • Caminos del Vino
  • Carrick-on-Shannon Golf Club
  • Casuarinas
  • Chapter of Pediatric Rehabilitation
  • Childhood
  • CLAC
  • Clouds Anarchy
  • Compromiso 2.0
  • Conicet
  • Copy todo
  • Corneal donation
  • Corporate Illustrations
  • CottGroup
  • Coupon to land
  • Crio Express
  • Cross Boundary Solutions ltd.


  • Dalihna
  • Doblas City
  • Don Carlos, Pueblo Nuevo
  • Dr. Madaus
  • Driven Investments


  • Eco Business Found
  • Ecodar
  • Ecomateriais
  • Editions Promotions
  • El Cardo
  • El Renuevo
  • Elite
  • Emporio Agro
  • Empower Communities
  • Equipo
  • Escenarios
  • Espartina
  • Europa Palace
  • Expo La Plata 92


  • Farra Craft Beer
  • FasterCV
  • Fairtrade
  • Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo UNLP
  • FIBA
  • FIBA 2009
  • FIBA 2013
  • Food to grow
  • Fortalecer Foundation
  • Freeze-Up
  • Frontec
  • Fullagro


  • Gaia
  • Geek Camp and IncubaUC
  • Geni-al
  • Global Co-operative Movement
  • Globalization and Cultural Management
  • Gran Chaco
  • Green Building Council Spain


  • Habitat Design School
  • History of New Enviroment
  • Holocaust Memorial
  • Housing Report
  • Human rights


  • Iberjuris
  • Imisa
  • IMS
  • Incontri di Serra Maiori
  • Indear
  • Intelego


  • Kelly Hunter
  • Kelly Timber Frame
  • Kiñewen (”gente unida”)


  • La Bajadita Green Tower
  • La Pacifica
  • La Utopia
  • Lake in the sky
  • Land
  • Latin American Alternative
  • Latin American Growth Network
  • Latin American Meeting
  • Latina Honey CLAC | Fairtrade
  • Laura Wainer
  • Lavels
  • Literary Culture Promotion
  • Livigo
  • Los Corralitos
  • Los Grobo Group
  • Los Grobo Rural Enterprise Foundation
  • Los Tilos
  • Ludovica House
  • Lysosomal Diseases


  • MAPO
  • MG Valor
  • Maua
  • Marina Studios
  • Marra Foundation
  • Martinez, Ophthalmology Center
  • Matriarca
  • Mascoop
  • Medifieds
  • Mercosur Science Meeting
  • Ministry of Economy
  • Ministry of Interior
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Mothership
  • Mulini
  • Municipality of Bahía Blanca
  • Municipality of Chascomús
  • Municipality of La Plata
  • Municipality of Trenque Lauquen


  • NDR Nader Enterprises
  • NK
  • NanoLab
  • National Awards
  • National Council for the Woman
  • National Hall of Visual Arts
  • National Science Week
  • National University of Mar del Plata
  • Natural Science Argentine Museum</li
  • Neurosciences Exhibition
  • Never again
  • New Argentine Pomegranate
  • New Environment
  • Nurses in Prevention
  • Nutritionists Society of the Province of Buenos Aires


  • OAD
  • OCSA
  • Ohsawa House
  • OJOS del mundo
  • Ophthalmologic Clinic Cortina
  • Organic Corner
  • Organic World Foundation


  • Pampa Natural
  • Pampa Orgánica
  • Para Compartir
  • Payku
  • People and Groves
  • Pigüé
  • Portus
  • Post-Harvest Systems
  • Presidency Exhibition
  • Produsem
  • Provincial Conservatoire of Chascomús
  • Puerto Hudson


  • RMT
  • Red de Arquitectos
  • Rey Count
  • Rheen
  • Regional Faculty
  • Romagnoli
  • Rural Fair 2015
  • Rural of Trenque Lauquen


  • Salta Valley
  • Sami Yusuf
  • San Gotardo
  • Science and Science Fiction
  • Science and Technology Week
  • Second Nature
  • Secretary of Culture Brand
  • Secretary of Tourism
  • Security and defense
  • Secyt
  • Selfness
  • Senda
  • Sergio Karakachoff
  • Shipia
  • Si o si diseño
  • Silva e Sousa Lawyers
  • Silver River
  • Social Me
  • Social Observatory of Latin America
  • Societat Orgànica
  • Solus Land
  • SUMA
  • Sustainable Territories


  • Terra Ghio
  • The Boat and Gulls
  • The City
  • The House by the Roof
  • The girl
  • Tierra Adentro
  • Tierra Roja
  • Touareg
  • Troupe
  • Tulpin Group


  • Unigral
  • Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
  • Urbis


  • Valleys Foundation
  • Victoria Hall
  • Victoria Harbour
  • Visual Identity of the Presidency
  • Viton Attorneys


  • Wichi Pipeline
  • Woman