Organic World Foundation - Guerrini Design Island

Organic World Foundation

The Organic World Foundation (OWF), based in Bonn (Germany) is an organization dedicated to unifying the promotion of organic production worldwide. In conjunction with the Specialist in Organic Production and Rural Development, Alejandra Gutiérrez, we were selected amongst the contest competitors to design the organization’s image and identity.  

The visual identity symbolically represents the idea of consensus–the principal ethics that guide the actions of those who produce organic agriculture. These main principles are: ecological, health, preservation, and equality for all. The global unity of ethics and principles, is that which sustains the organic movement and the global spirit of the institution. The brand of OWF must visually represent the work done in honor of the planet earth–a green and living world which holds us all. The realistic photography; the use of leaves as a symbol of life; the liveliness of the colors; the pureness of the water element(essential to life)–all which together make up the brand’s aesthetic–show the intention of the foundation.  That intention being to make the world a more healthier, cleaner, sustainable, fair and environmentally responsible place.

Organic World Foundation
Organic World Foundation

  • Research and Brand Strategy

  • Sebastián Guerrini
  • Art

  • Sebastián Guerrini